The Data-Driven Recruiter Workshop

Make more hires with less effort with this in-depth two hour workshop for your recruitment team. 


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Recruitment Data

Learn how to track and utilise your own recruitment data to make more hires with less effort.

Process Improvement

Apply advanced process improvement concepts like LEAN and the theory of constraints to your recruitment process

Data Visualisation

Build effective recruitment reports that will build credibility with your stakeholders.

Real World Scenarios

Learn to apply data-driven insights in a practical way with in depth real world scenarios.

Connaire Wallace

Head of Talent Acquisition - VAY

“Luke mentored me to understand the power of harnessing data to increase quality and quantity of hires as well as how to display that will turn heads at C-Level. This has empowered me to 3x scale my current company.

My career has been on a permanent upward trajectory since working with Luke”

Conor Anderson

Tech Recruiting - Chainlink

"Luke's work was critical to how we engaged and leveraged data across the organisation. Being able to transform raw data into actionable insights through the data dashboard allowed me and my team to make informed decisions, optimise our sourcing strategies and improve our hiring success.

Luke set a new standard for how we utilise data across the company."

Christian Slaney

Head of Talent Acquisition - Biconomy

"Luke's data-driven insights took our recruiting performance to the next level during a busy hiring period.

He helped us visualise data in a way that raised our performance as recruiters, and made it easier to have meaningful conversations with stakeholders to spot blockers and find solutions."

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If you want to know how I can adapt the course material to perfectly meet your teams current challenges, let's grab a chat!

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