
See me having conversations with some industry leaders on all things recruitment and data.

Recruitment Operations

Check out my conversation with Robin Choy of Hiresweet and The Modern Recruiter podcast where we discuss all things Recruitment Operations and Data

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Recruiter Enablement

Me and the amazing Adam Gordon from Poetry discuss the difference between Talent Operations and Recruiter Enablement.

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Theory of Constraints

Me and the mercurial Shannon Ogborn from AshbyĀ discuss using small changes in the recruitment process to create huge benefits.

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Check out some of my recent articles on recruitment operations and data

Recruitment Operations 101

Pretty much everything you will need to understand Recruitment Operations measures in a basic sense, including definitions of the many terms and measures common in recruitment.Ā 

Recruitment Operations 102 - WIP Limits

How to apply work in progress limits to your process to increase throughput.

Recruitment Operations 103 - Process Mapping & Flowcharts

Map your process effectively with flowcharts